アメリカによるイラク攻撃 第二部

Arshad ULLAH, Ph.D








最近、チャールズ・レイン氏の記事を読んだ。タイトルは、「ブッシュに対するドイツの敵意に対して怒り増幅」というものである。この記事の中で彼は次のように指摘している。「2001年9月11日の後、アメリカと一体であることを示しながら(ともに嘆き悲しみ)道を埋め尽くしたドイツ人が、なぜ今回はブッシュの政策に反対して、さらに大勢の人が反戦デモに参加しているのか?... ドイツ人は第二次大戦における侵略と敗戦の歴史を経て、平和主義への道を学んだのだ。彼らドイツ人は、ブッシュ大統領のようなテキサス人や銃文化、そして彼らテキサス人がそれらを具現化したものと信じている銃つきのスポーツ用車を軽蔑している。


ドイツのライプチッヒ大学から来た女子学生は、シュレーダー首相のイラク攻撃反対の声明を聞いて始めてドイツ人としての誇りを感じたと話している。(Charles Lane氏は、ワシントンポスト紙の国際担当レポーターである。)




In my previous writing on Iraq, I had hinted about Japanese Foreign Policy. As its foreign ministry is just like a ‘rubber stamp’ ministry under Koizumi’s Cabinet. Its inability was first proved during America’s Afghanistan war. It failed to send its foreign Minister first after the war. A few months later Tanaka made a face saving visit.

In my 22 years living in Japan I could see a first woman foreign minister, named Makiko Tanaka, who was found to be unfit in the ministry. It was like a comedy drama during her period in the ministry. However, Koizumi dismissed her later on and appointed another woman named Kawaguchi. We did not hear anything from this ministry about America’s bullying against Iraq. Koizumi recently sent a Senior Foreign Minister Motegi instead of sending Kawaguchi to Iraq. It does prove that Koizumi had nothing policy on Iraq and its rubber stump foreign ministry.

Just to show the world the ministry is working, Motegi was sent to Baghdad to beat the same drum to Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz, ‘that ‘Iraq must destroy weapons of mass destruction.’ But the foreign ministry yet to send a representative to ISRAEL to speak about the PALESTINIAN causes, which is said to be the origin of all troubles in the Middle East.

During my visit I found there were many high raised buildings which were constructed by Japanese architects. I also heard that hundreds of Japanese used to work in many Iraqi projects. Now no Japanese are working there. Japanese Companies lost millions dollar of works from these oil reach country.

Sorry, my subject of writing is not on Japan’s foreign policy. I inform you what I had been in Baghdad. During my visit to the Children Hospital, I found no medicines for the leukemia patients. The doctor said the hospital had no medical equipments. Afterwards I learned that SUPPLYING OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENTS TO IRAQ IS BANNED. Because by these sophisticated medical equipments Iraq might build dangerous military equipments.(?)  In this way America crippled all the hospitals .

After returning to Tokyo, I had asked to some businessmen to learn if this matter was true.One business consultant said ‘yes it’s true.’ He also advised me about not to speak on such equipments for Iraq, because, everywhere in Japan there were CIA agents. It’s impossible to send medical equipments. He added, “Japan is a country in name only; it’s a part of America. It doesn’t have any independent policy.” I was so surprised to hearing such words from a Japanese businessman that I was unable to ask any more question to him.

Recently a have read an article written by Charles Lane. The title was “ THERE’S AS MUCH ANGST AS ANGER IN GERMANY’S HOSTILITY TOWARD BUSH.” In his article he wrote, “ Why do Germans who filled the streets to express solidarity with the United States after Sept. 11, 2001, now march in even greater numbers to protest Bush’s policies? … … Germans, with there history of aggression and defeat in world war II, lean toward pacifism. They disdain a Texan like President Bush- and the culture of guns and SUVs that they believe he embodies.

Steeped in Europe’s legalistic balance of power politics, Germany recoils at U.S. unilateralism. Germans regard the ISRAILI-PALESTINIAN conflict as at least as DESTABILIZING as Saddam Hussain’s weapons of mass destructions.”

A woman student from Leipzig University in Germany said that Schroeder’ s declaration of opposition to war In Iraq was the first time she had ever felt “ PROUD TO BE A GERMAN.” (Charles Lane is a reporter on the Post’s national staff.)

Are the Japanese students proud about Japan’s present policy on Iraq? We are eagerly waiting to see the future policy of Japan. We can learn it in future. Do they feel about the Iraqi children? If the same thing ( Trade Embargo ) would have applied to the Japanese people for twelve years, how the Japanese people would react?

Those children who are suffering from leukemia in the hospitals, most of them were from the Southern Iraq. Because、 America had used tons of depleted uranium during the gulf war in 1991, particularly in the southern part of Iraq. Pregnant mother and the children as well has been exposed to radiation from such uranium. The doctor had said me, “ you may not see these sick children if you visit Baghdad next year. They all would die, because, we have nothing to do; we have no medicines for them.”

I had also visited a University in Baghdad. It was a beautiful University. I talked with a lady teacher; she was 32 years old and unmarried. I found some other unmarried ladies aged about 33 to 38 years old. All of them were friendly. They were beautiful and elegant so I asked them why they didn’t marry. All of them were Master Degree holders. Some of them were engineers and doctors. They replied,  “we don’t have boy friends of our ages; we want to marry, but all of the boys of our ages already leaved the country or died in the war.” Boys are short numbered. The salaries of the teachers in average were US$15.00 (fifteen.) The would receive $5000.00 a month before the war. About 20% of the total population of Iraq was killed by America during the Gulf War.