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 英文報告書のタイトルは、Turning Up the Heat! あえて邦訳すれば、「行政機関(官僚機構)への影響行使」です。


Japanese NGO Responses to the
Kyoto Conference and Japana's 
Climate Change Policy


This report is a compilation of the opinions of various NGO members regarding the December 1997 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Third Conference of Parties (COP3) and the Japanese policy-making process surrounding it. The opinions in the following pages are based on the personal observations of the contributing authors; as such, they do not necessarily reflect the positions of their organizations. As background to the following papers, I would like to make some explanatory comments about the roles of NGOs (non-governmental organizations) and government in this country's policy making process.

Over the years, Japanese NGOs have often been criticized for their poor discussion skills, their failure to disseminate information, and their inability to make policy proposals. Much of these criticisms continue to be justified, though the problems which they point to must be seen, in part, in the light of the organizational and financial weaknesses of these NGOs. That said, criticizing NGOs in no way addresses a much more fundamental problem: the deeply undemocratic nature of this country.

When it came to deciding on emissions targets prior to COP3, NGOs as well as the legislature (the Diet and individual Diet members) were left completely "out of the loop". The final plan was hammered together in a backroom by the Environment Agency, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) and the Foreign Ministry; Diet members only learned of its details on October 6th, the same day the government announced the plan to the press.

As the COP3 example makes abundantly clear, the democratic `given' that the legislature controls the bureaucracy is not a `given' in Japan. The Diet simply does not have the power to rein in the ministries. This is particularly apparent in the making of legislation. The vast majority comes out of the bureaucracy and is merely rubberstamped by the ruling party. In other words, the legislature rarely does any legislating to speak of.

Of further concern is that policy-making in Japan, a country long referred to as `advanced' and `democratic', is marked by neither real citizen participation nor substantive information disclosure. The United States passed its Freedom of Information Act in 1968; 30 years later Japan still has no such law. (Japan is also 30 years behind in the area of environmental assessment. The U.S. passed a federal law providing for assessment in 1969; Japan did so only last year June.) As Ralph Nader aptly pointed out during a visit to Japan, information is the currency of democracy. Yet information, the prerequisite to real citiz n participation in policy-making, is rarely released.

There is no point in simply complaining about this grim state of affairs. However weak we might be, it is our duty as citizens of this country and of the world to stand in defense of the environment and transform Japanese politics and policy-making. We must also work toward the restoration of an effective legislature. We hope that the papers in this report will contribute to this process of change.

Teiichi Aoyama
Forum on Environmental Administration Reform





 日本におけるCOP3に向けての政策目標立案では、国民だけでなく立法府(議会、議員)もまったく「蚊帳の外」であった。環境庁、通産省、外務省など霞ヶ関の省庁が最終的に密室で決めた 政策案が国民に示されたのは、1997年10月6日、すなわち京都会議のわずか2ヶ月前であったが、衆議院、参議院の議員に案が示されたのも実はこの時だった。





青山 貞一

About the Forum on Environmental Administration Reform (FEAR)


FEAR was established six years ago as a network of NGOs. Members of FEAR are NGO members, environmental experts, lawyers, Diet members, journalists and students. What binds them together is a desire to solve regional and global environmental problems. FEAR participates in policy-making at the local and national level, offers concrete policy proposals, and acts as an environmental ombudsman.

The exchange of information among FEAR members is central to our activities. Discussion and information exchange occur daily on our electronic mailing list*1). A data base of all previous messages*2) is also kept in order to provide members with the fastest possible access to information. As well, we have recently opened an English web site in order to help interested NGOs and policy makers abroad stay up to date on environmental policy in Japan (from an NGO perspective).



Forum on Environmental Administration Reform (FEAR)

   4-5-26-4-1108 Kami-Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0021
+81-3-5759-1690 tel +81-3-5759-1890 fax
E-mail: aoyama@eri.co.jp

*1) Mailing list: ml-eforum@ml.246.ne.jp
*2) WWW-EForum: http://www.01.246.ne.jp/~aoyama/

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